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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Communicating with iDRAC through serial connection using DB9 cable

You can use any of the following communication methods to perform systems management tasks through serial connection to rack and tower servers:
  • RAC Serial
  • IPMI Serial — Direct Connect Basic mode and Direct Connect Terminal mode
NOTE In case of blade servers, the serial connection is established through the chassis. For more information, see the Chassis Management Controller User's Guide available at www.dell.com/cmcmanuals (not applicable for MX platforms) OME - Modular for PowerEdge MX7000 Chassis User's Guide available at www.dell.com/openmanagemanuals (applicable for MX platforms).

To establish the serial connection:

  1. Configure the BIOS to enable serial connection.
  2. Connect the Null Modem DB9 cable from the management station’s serial port to the managed system’s external serial connector.
    NOTE Server power cycle is required from vConsole or GUI for any change in Baud-rate.
    NOTE If iDRAC serial connection authentication is disabled, then iDRAC racreset is required for any change in BAUD-rate.
  3. Make sure that the management station’s terminal emulation software is configured for serial connection using any of the following:
    • Linux Minicom in an Xterm
    • Hilgraeve’s HyperTerminal Private Edition (version 6.3)

    Based on where the managed system is in its boot process, you can see either the POST screen or the operating system screen. This is based on the configuration: SAC for Windows and Linux text mode screens for Linux.

  4. Enable RAC serial or IPMI serial connections in iDRAC.

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