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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

iDRAC port information

The following table lists the ports that are required to remotely access iDRAC through firewall. These are the default ports iDRAC listens to for connections. Optionally, you can modify most of the ports. To modify ports, see Configuring services.

Table 1. Ports iDRAC listens for connectionsPorts iDRAC listens for connections
Port number Type FunctionConfigurable portMaximum Encryption Level
22 TCP SSHYes256-bit SSL
80 TCP HTTPYesNone
161UDPSNMP AgentYesNone
443 TCP HTTPSYes256-bit SSL
623 UDP RMCP/RMCP+No128-bit SSL
5000TCPiDRAC to iSMNo256-bit SSL
NOTE Maximum encryption level is 256-bit SSL if both iSM 3.4 or higher and iDRAC firmware or higher are installed.
5900 TCP Virtual console keyboard and mouse redirection, Virtual Media, Virtual folders, and Remote File ShareYes128-bit SSL
5901 TCPVNCYes128-bit SSL
NOTE Port 5901 opens when VNC feature is enabled.

The following table lists the ports that iDRAC uses as a client:

Table 2. Ports iDRAC uses as clientPorts iDRAC uses as client
Port number Type FunctionConfigurable portMaximum Encryption Level
25 TCP SMTP YesNone
53 UDP DNS NoNone
68 UDP DHCP-assigned IP address NoNone
123UDPNetwork Time Protocol (NTP)NoNone
162 UDP SNMP trap YesNone
445 TCP Common Internet File System (CIFS) NoNone
636 TCP LDAP Over SSL (LDAPS) No256-bit SSL
2049 TCP Network File System (NFS) NoNone
3269 TCP LDAPS for global catalog (GC) No256-bit SSL
NOTE When Group Manager is enabled, iDRAC uses mDNS to communicate through port 5353. However, when it is disabled, port 5353 is blocked by iDRAC's internal firewall and appears as open|filtered port in the port scans.
514UDPRemote syslogYesNone

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