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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Smart card login

It takes up to four minutes to log into iDRAC using Active Directory Smart Card login.

The normal Active Directory Smart Card login normally takes less than 10 seconds, however it may take up to four minutes if you have specified the preferred DNS server and the alternate DNS server in the Network page, and the preferred DNS server has failed. DNS time-outs are expected when a DNS server is down. iDRAC logs you in using the alternate DNS server.

ActiveX plug-in unable to detect the Smart Card reader.

Make sure that the smart card is supported on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Windows supports a limited number of smart card Cryptographic Service Providers (CSPs).

In general, check if the smart card CSPs are present on a particular client, insert the smart card in the reader at the Windows logon (Ctrl-Alt-Del) screen and check if Windows detects the smart card and displays the PIN dialog-box.

Incorrect Smart Card PIN.

Check if the smart card is locked due to too many attempts with an incorrect PIN. In such cases, contact the smart card issuer in the organization to get a new smart card.

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