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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

SupportAssist Registration

To take advantage of the automated, proactive, and predictive features of SupportAssist, you must register your system with SupportAssist.

You can generate and save a collection locally or to a network, and also send to Dell EMC without registration.

Contact and shipping information

To complete the registration, you must provide the contact and shipping information.

Primary contact information

Enter Company name, Country, First Name*, Last Name*, Phone Number*, Alternate Number, and Email Address*. Check if the details are displayed correctly and make changes if you want to edit any of the fields.

*indicates that the fields are mandatory.

Secondary contact information

Enter First Name, Last name, Phone Number, Alternate Number, Email Address and check if the details are displayed correctly and make changes if you want to edit any of the fields.

NOTE You can remove the secondary contact information at any point of time.

Auto dispatch

When a critical event is reported to Dell-EMC through iDRAC that is registered for SupportAssist, auto dispatch workflow may be initiated. This workflow is based on the event being forwarded and registered device SupportAssist warranty level. You must enter the Dispatch information during the SupportAssist registration process to enable auto dispatch workflow. If onsite support is required along with dispatch parts then select Parts Dispatch with Onsite Support.
NOTE Auto dispatch is enabled in systems with iDRAC Service Module (iSM) v3.4.0 for Windows. Future iSM releases will support auto dispatch for additional operating systems.

Dispatch Address

Enter an address and the preferred contact hours.

End-user license agreement

After providing all the required information, you need to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) to complete the registration process. You have the option to print the EULA for further references. You can cancel and terminate the registration process at any point of time.

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