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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

What is RAID

RAID is a technology for managing the storage of data on the physical disks that reside or are attached to the system. A key aspect of RAID is the ability to span physical disks so that the combined storage capacity of multiple physical disks can be treated as a single, extended disk space. Another key aspect of RAID is the ability to maintain redundant data which can be used to restore data in the event of a disk failure. RAID uses different techniques, such as striping, mirroring, and parity, to store and reconstruct data. There are different RAID levels that use different methods for storing and reconstructing data. The RAID levels have different characteristics in terms of read/write performance, data protection, and storage capacity. Not all RAID levels maintain redundant data, which means for some RAID levels lost data cannot be restored. The RAID level you choose depends on whether your priority is performance, protection, or storage capacity.

NOTE The RAID Advisory Board (RAB) defines the specifications used to implement RAID. Although RAB defines the RAID levels, commercial implementation of RAID levels by different vendors may vary from the actual RAID specifications. An implementation of a particular vendor may affect the read and write performance and the degree of data redundancy.

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