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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Generating hash password without SNMPv3 and IPMI authentication

Hash password can be generated without SNMPv3 and IPMI authentication with or without salt. Both require SHA256.

To generate hash password with salt:

  1. For the iDRAC user accounts, you must salt the password using SHA256.

    When you salt the password, a 16-bytes binary string is appended. The Salt is required to be 16 bytes long, if provided. Once appended, it becomes a 32 character string. The format is "password"+"salt", for example:

    Password = SOMEPASSWORD

    Salt = ALITTLEBITOFSALT—16 characters are appended

  2. Open a Linux command prompt, and run the following command:
    Generate Hash-> echo-n SOMEPASSWORDALITTLEBITOFSALT|sha256sum  -><HASH>
    Generate Hex Representation of Salt -> echo -n ALITTLEBITOFSALT | xxd –p   -> <HEX-SALT>
    set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256Password <HASH>
    set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256PasswordSalt <HEX-SALT>
  3. Provide hash value and salt in the imported server configuration profile, the RACADM commands, Redfish, or WSMan.
    NOTE If you wish to clear a previously salted password, then ensure that the password-salt is explicitly set to an empty string i.e.
    set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256Password ca74e5fe75654735d3b8d04a7bdf5dcdd06f1c6c2a215171a24e5a9dcb28e7a2
    set iDRAC.Users.4.SHA256PasswordSalt 
  4. After setting the password, the normal plain text password authentication works except that SNMP v3 and IPMI authentication fails for the iDRAC user accounts that had passwords updated with hash.

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