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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring and using virtual console

You can use the virtual console to manage a remote system using the keyboard, video, and mouse on your management station to control the corresponding devices on a managed server. This is a licensed feature for rack and tower servers. It is available by default in blade servers.

The key features are:

  • A maximum of six simultaneous Virtual Console sessions are supported. All the sessions view the same managed server console simultaneously.
  • You can launch virtual console in a supported web browser by using Java, ActiveX, or HTML5 plug-in.
    NOTE By default, the virtual console type is set to HTML5.
  • When you open a Virtual Console session, the managed server does not indicate that the console has been redirected.
  • You can open multiple Virtual Console sessions from a single management station to one or more managed systems simultaneously.
  • You cannot open two virtual console sessions from the management station to the managed server using the same plug-in.
  • If a second user requests a Virtual Console session, the first user is notified and is given the option to refuse access, allow read-only access, or allow full shared access. The second user is notified that another user has control. The first user must respond within thirty seconds, or else access is granted to the second user based on the default setting. When two sessions are concurrently active, the first user sees a message in the upper-right corner of the screen that the second user has an active session. If neither the first or second user has administrator privileges, terminating the first user's session automatically terminates the second user's session.
  • Keyboard macros are supported on all plug-ins. Following are the list of macros that are supported by ActiveX and Java plug-ins:
    Table 1. Keyboard Macros Supported by ActiveX and Java plug-insFollowing table displays the keyboard macros that are supported in the ActiveX and Java plug-ins.
    MAC ClientWin ClientLinux Client
    Ctrl-Al-Del Ctrl-Alt-Del Ctrl-Alt-Del
    Alt-SysRq-B Alt-SysRq-B Alt-SysRq-B
    - Win-P -
    - - Ctrl-Alt-F<1-12>
    Alt-SysRq - -
    SysRq - -
    PrtScrn - -
    Alt-PrtScrn - -
    Pause - -
    NOTE For keyboard macros supported in HTML plug-in, see the section HTML5 based virtual console.
NOTE The number of active virtual-console sessions displayed in the web interface is only for active web-interface sessions. This number does not include sessions from other interfaces such as Telnet, SSH, and RACADM.
NOTE For information about configuring your browser to access the virtual console, see Configuring web browsers to use virtual console.
NOTE To disable KVM access, use the Disable option under the settings for chassis in the OME Modular web interface.

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