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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Rolling back device firmware

You can roll back the firmware for iDRAC or any device that Lifecycle Controller supports, even if the upgrade was previously performed using another interface. For example, if the firmware was upgraded using the Lifecycle Controller GUI, you can roll back the firmware using the iDRAC web interface. You can perform firmware rollback for multiple devices with one system reboot.

On Dell’s 14th generation PowerEdge servers that have a single iDRAC and Lifecycle Controller firmware, rolling back the iDRAC firmware also rolls back the Lifecycle Controller firmware.

It is recommended to keep the firmware updated to ensure you have the latest features and security updates. You may need to rollback an update or install an earlier version if you encounter any issues after an update. To install an earlier version, use Lifecycle Controller to check for updates and select the version you want to install.

You can perform firmware rollback for the following components:
  • iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller
  • BIOS
  • Network Interface Card (NIC)
  • Power Supply Unit (PSU)
  • RAID Controller
  • Backplane
NOTE You cannot perform firmware rollback for Diagnostics, Driver Packs, and CPLD.
Before rolling back the firmware, make sure that:
  • You have Configure privilege to roll back iDRAC firmware.
  • You have Server Control privilege and have enabled Lifecycle Controller to roll back firmware for any other device other than the iDRAC.
  • Change the NIC mode to Dedicated if the mode is set as Shared LOM.
You can roll back the firmware to the previously installed version using any of the following methods:
  • iDRAC web interface
  • CMC web interface (not supported on MX platforms)
  • OME-Modular web interface (Supported on MX platforms)
  • CMC RACADM CLI (not supported on MX platforms)
  • Lifecycle Controller GUI
  • Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services

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