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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Blinking or unblinking component LEDs using web interface

To blink or unblink a component LED:
  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to any of the following pages as per your requirement:
    • Storage > Overview > Physical Disks > Status– Displays the identified Physical Disks page where you can blink or unblink the physical disks and PCIe SSDs.
    • Storage > Overview > Virtual Disks > Status- Displays the identified Virtual Disks page where you can blink or unblink the virtual disks.
  2. If you select the physical disk:
    • Select or deselect all component LEDs — Select the Select/Deselect All option and click Blink to start blinking the component LEDs. Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the component LEDs.
    • Select or deselect individual component LEDs — Select one or more component(s) and click Blink to start blinking the selected component LED(s). Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the component LEDs.
  3. If you select the virtual disk:
    • Select or deselect all physical disk drives or PCIe SSDs — Select the Select/Deselect All option and click Blink to start blinking all the physical disk drives and the PCIe SSDs. Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the LEDs.
    • Select or deselect individual physical disk drives or PCIe SSDs — Select one or more physical disk drives and click Blink to start blinking the LEDs for the physical disk drives or the PCIe SSDs. Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the LEDs.
  4. If you are on the Identify Virtual Disk page:
    • Select or deselect all virtual disks — Select the Select/Deselect All option and click Blink to start blinking the LEDs for all the virtual disks. Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the LEDs.
    • Select or deselect individual virtual disks — Select one or more virtual disks and click Blink to start blinking the LEDs for the virtual disks. Similarly, click Unblink to stop blinking the LEDs.

    If the blink or unblink operation is not successful, error messages are displayed.

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