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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Executing power control operations

iDRAC enables you to remotely perform a power-on, power off, reset, graceful shutdown, Non-Masking Interrupt (NMI), or power cycle using the Web interface or RACADM.

You can also perform these operations using Lifecycle Controller Remote Services or WSMan. For more information, see the Lifecycle Controller Remote Services Quick Start Guide available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals and the Dell Power State Management Profile document available at www.dell.com/support.

Server power-control operations initiated from iDRAC are independent of the power-button behavior configured in the BIOS. You can use the PushPowerButton function to gracefully shut down the system, or power it on, even if the BIOS is configured to do nothing when the physical power button is pressed.

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