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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Enabling or disabling OS to iDRAC Pass-through

In servers that have Network Daughter Card (NDC) or embedded LAN On Motherboard (LOM) devices, you can enable the OS to iDRAC Pass-through feature. This feature provides a high-speed bi-directional in-band communication between iDRAC and the host operating system through a shared LOM, a dedicated NIC, or through the USB NIC. This feature is available for iDRAC Enterprise license.

NOTE iDRAC Service Module (iSM) provides more features for managing iDRAC through the operating system. For more information, see the iDRAC Service Module User's Guide available at www.dell.com/idracservicemodule.

When enabled through dedicated NIC, you can launch the browser in the host operating system and then access the iDRAC Web interface. The dedicated NIC for the blade servers is through the Chassis Management Controller.

Switching between dedicated NIC or shared LOM does not require a reboot or reset of the host operating system or iDRAC.

You can enable this channel using:
  • iDRAC web interface
  • RACADM or WSMan (post operating system environment)
  • iDRAC Settings utility (pre-operating system environment)

If the network configuration is changed through iDRAC Web interface, you must wait for at least 10 seconds before enabling OS to iDRAC Pass-through.

If you are configuring the server using a Server Configuration Profile through RACADM, WSMan or Redfish and if the network settings are changed in this file, then you must wait for 15 seconds to either enable OS to iDRAC Pass-through feature or set the OS Host IP address.

Before enabling OS to iDRAC Pass-through, make sure that:
  • iDRAC is configured to use dedicated NIC or shared mode (that is, NIC selection is assigned to one of the LOMs).
  • Host operating system and iDRAC are in the same subnet and same VLAN.
  • Host operating system IP address is configured.
  • A card that supports OS to iDRAC Pass-through capability is installed.
  • You have the Configure privilege.
When you enable this feature:
  • In shared mode, the host operating system's IP address is used.
  • In dedicated mode, you must provide a valid IP address of the host operating system. If more than one LOM is active, enter the first LOM’s IP address.
If the OS to iDRAC Pass-through feature does not work after it is enabled, ensure that you check the following:
  • The iDRAC dedicated NIC cable is connected properly.
  • At least one LOM is active.
NOTE Use the default IP address. Ensure that the IP address of the USB NIC interface is not in the same network subnet as the iDRAC or host OS IP addresses. If this IP address conflicts with an IP address of other interfaces of the host system or the local network, you must change it.
NOTE If you launch iDRAC Service Module while USB NIC is in disabled state, the iDRAC Service Module changes the USB NIC IP address to
NOTE Do not use and IP addresses. These IP addresses are reserved for the USB NIC port on the front panel when an A/A cable is used.
NOTE iDRAC may not be accessible from the host server using LOM-Passthrough when NIC teaming is enabled. Then, iDRAC can be accessed from the host server OS using the iDRAC USB NIC or through the external network, via the iDRAC dedicated NIC.

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