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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Preparing to remove PCIe SSD

NOTE This operation is not supported when PCIe SSD is configured using the S140 controller.

PCIe SSDs support orderly hot swap allowing you to add or remove a device without halting or rebooting the system in which the devices are installed. To prevent data loss, you must use the Prepare to Remove operation before physically removing a device.

Orderly hot swap is supported only when PCIe SSDs are installed in a supported system running a supported operating system. To ensure that you have the correct configuration for your PCIe SSD, see the system-specific owner's manual.

The Prepare to Remove operation is not supported for PCIe SSDs on the VMware vSphere (ESXi) systems and HHHL PCIe SSD devices.

NOTE Prepare to Remove operation is supported on systems with ESXi 6.0 with iDRAC Service Module version 2.1 or higher.

The Prepare to Remove operation can be performed in real-time using iDRAC Service Module.

The Prepare to Remove operation stops any background activity and any ongoing I/O activity so that device can be removed safely. It causes the status LEDs on the device to blink. You can safely remove the device from the system under the following conditions after you initiate the Prepare to Remove operation:
  • The PCIe SSD is blinking the safe to remove LED pattern (blinks amber).
  • The PCIe SSD is no longer accessible by the system.
Before preparing the PCIe SSD for removal, ensure that:
  • iDRAC Service Module is installed.
  • Lifecycle Controller is enabled.
  • You have Server Control and Login privileges.

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