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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Collection Settings

You can save the collections to a preferred network location. Use Set Archive Directory to set the network location. You can save the collections to a preferred network location. Use Set Archive Directory to set the network location. Enter the type of Protocol (CIFS/NFS) that you want to opt for, corresponding IP Address, Share Name, Domain Name, User Name and Password before you Test Network Connection. The Test Network Connection button will confirm a connection to the destination share.

If registered, you can opt to include Identification information while sending the data to Dell in the Collection Settings.

You can enable and schedule Automatic Collection options to avoid any manual intervention and keep a periodical check of the system. By default, when an event is triggered and support case is opened, SupportAssist is configured to automatically collect the system logs from the device that generated the alert and upload it to Dell. You can enable or disable Automatic Collection based on events. You can schedule the Automatic collections based on your suitable requirements. The available options are, weekly, monthly, quarterly or never. You can also configure the date and time for the scheduled periodic events. You have the option to enable or disable ProSupport Plus Recommendation Report while configuring the Automatic Collections.

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