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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring IE to use ActiveX plug-in

You must configure the IE browser settings before you start and run ActiveX based Virtual Console and Virtual Media applications. The ActiveX applications are delivered as signed CAB files from the iDRAC server. If the plug-in type is set to Native-ActiveX type in Virtual console, when you try to start the Virtual Console, the CAB file is downloaded to the client system and ActiveX based Virtual Console is started. Internet Explorer requires some configurations to download, install, and run these ActiveX based applications.

On 64-bit operating systems, you can install both 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer. You may use either of 32-bit or 64-bit, however, you must install the corresponding plug-in. For example, if you install the plug-in in the 64-bit browser and then open the viewer in a 32-bit browser, you must install the plug-in again.

NOTE You can use ActiveX plug-in only with Internet Explorer.
NOTE To use ActiveX plug-in on systems with Internet Explorer 9, before configuring Internet Explorer, ensure that you disable the Enhanced Security Mode in Internet Explorer or in the server manager in Windows Server operating systems.

For ActiveX applications in Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows 10 configure the following Internet Explorer settings to use the ActiveX plug-in:

  1. Clear the browser’s cache.
  2. Add iDRAC IP or host name to the Local Internet site list.
  3. Reset the custom settings to Medium-low or change the settings to allow installation of signed ActiveX plug-ins.
  4. Enable the browser to download encrypted content and to enable third-party browser extensions. To do this, go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced, clear the Do not save encrypted pages to disk option, and select the Enable third-party browser extensions option.
    NOTE Restart Internet Explorer for the Enable third-party browser extension setting to take effect.
  5. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security and select the zone in which you want to run the application.
  6. Click Custom level. In the Security Settings window, do the following:
    • Select Enable for Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls.
    • Select Prompt for Download signed ActiveX controls.
    • Select Enable or Prompt for Run ActiveX controls and plugins.
    • Select Enable or Prompt for Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting.
  7. Click OK to close the Security Settings window.
  8. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.
    NOTE On systems with Internet Explorer 11, ensure that you add the iDRAC IP by clicking Tools > Compatibility View settings.
    • The varying versions of Internet Explorer share Internet Options. Therefore, after you add the server to the list of trusted sites for one browser the other browser uses the same setting.
    • Before installing the ActiveX control, Internet Explorer may display a security warning. To complete the ActiveX control installation procedure, accept the ActiveX control when Internet Explorer prompts you with a security warning.
    • If you get the error Unknown Publisher while launching Virtual Console, it may be caused because of the change to the code-signing certificate path. To resolve this error, you must download an addition key. Use a search engine to search for Symantec SO16958 and, from the search results, follow the instructions on the Symantec website.

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