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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

BIOS Settings

You can view multiple attributes, which are being used for a specific server under the BIOS Settings. You can modify different parameters of each attribute from this BIOS configuration setting. Once you select one attribute, it shows different parameters which are related to that specific attribute. You can modify multiple parameters of an attribute and apply changes before modifying a different attribute. When a user expands a configuration group, attributes are displayed in an alphabetical order.
NOTE Attribute level help content are dynamically generated.


Apply button remains greyed-out until any of the attributes are modified. Once you made changes to an attribute and click Apply, it allows you to modify the attribute with required changes. In case, the request fails to set the BIOS attribute, it throws an error with corresponding HTTP Response Status code mapped to SMIL API error or Job Creation error. A message is generated and displayed at that point. For more information, see Event and Error Message Reference Guide for 14th Generation Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers available at Dell.com/qrl.

Discard changes

The Discard Changes button is greyed-out until any of the attributes are modified . If you click Discard Changes button , all the recent changes are discarded and restored with the previous or initial values.

Apply and Reboot

When a user modifies value of an attribute or boot sequence, user is presented with two choices to apply the configuration; Apply and Reboot or Apply on Next Reboot. In either of the apply options, user is redirected to the job queue page to monitor the progress of that specific job.

A user can view auditing information related to BIOS configuration in the LC logs.

If you click Apply and Reboot, it restarts the server immediately to configure all the required changes. In case, the request fails to set the BIOS attributes, it throws an error with corresponding HTTP Response Status code mapped to SMIL API error or Job Creation error. An EEMI message is generated and displayed at that point.

Apply At Next Reboot

When a user modifies value of an attribute or boot sequence, user is presented with two choices to apply the configuration; Apply and Reboot or Apply on Next Reboot. In either of the apply options, user is redirected to the job queue page to monitor the progress of that specific job.

A user can view auditing information related to BIOS configuration in the LC logs.

If you click Apply At Next Reboot , it configures all the required changes on the next restart of the server. You will not experience any immediate modifications based on the recent configuration changes until the next reboot session is taking place successfully. In case, the request fails to set the BIOS attributes, it throws an error with corresponding HTTP Response Status code mapped to SMIL API error or Job Creation error. An EEMI message is generated and displayed at that point.

Delete All Pending Values

Delete All pending Values button is enabled only when there are pending values based on the recent configuration changes. In case, user decides not to apply the configuration changes, user can click Delete All Pending Values button to terminate all the modifications. In case, the request fails to remove the BIOS attributes, it throws an error with corresponding HTTP Response Status code mapped to SMIL API error or Job Creation error. An EEMI message is generated and displayed at that point.

Pending Value

Configuration of a BIOS attribute via iDRAC is not applied immediately to BIOS. It requires a server reboot for the changes to take place. When you modify a BIOS attribute then Pending Value gets updated. If an attribute already has a pending value (and that has been configured) it is displayed on the GUI.

Modifying Bios Configuration

Modifying BIOS configuration results in audit log entries, which gets entered in LC logs.

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