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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Actions on a selected Server

On the Summary page, you can double click on a row to launch iDRAC for that server through a single sign on redirect. Ensure to turn off the popup blocker in the browser settings. You can perform following actions on the selected server by clicking appropriate item from the More Actions drop down list.
Table 1. Actions on a selected ServerActions on a selected Server
Option Description
Graceful Shutdown Shuts down the operating system and powers off the system.
Cold Reboot Powers off, then reboots the system.
Virtual Console Launches Virtual Console with single sign on a new browser window.
NOTE Disable Popup blocker from the browser to use this functionality.

Group Manager Single Sign On

All iDRACs in the group trust each other based on the shared passcode secret and shared group name. As a result an administrator user at a group member IDRAC is grant administrator level privileges at any group member iDRAC when accessed through Group Manager web interface single sign on. iDRACs logs <user>-<SVCTAG> as the user that logged on into peer members. <SVCTAG> is the service tag of the iDRAC where the user first logged in.

Group Manager Concepts — Controlling System

  • Automatically selected — by default the first iDRAC configured for Group Manager.
  • Provides Group Manager GUI workflow.
  • Keeps track of all members.
  • Coordinates tasks.
  • If a user logs in to any member and clicks on Open Group Manager the browser will be redirected to the primary controller.

Group Manager Concepts — Backup System

  • Primary controller automatically selects a secondary controller to take over if the primary goes offline for an extended period of time (10 mins or more).
  • If both primary and secondary goes offline for an extended duration (for more than 14 mins) a new primary and secondary controller gets elected.
  • Keeps a copy of the group manager cache of all the groups members and tasks.
  • The controlling system and backup system are automatically determined by group manager.
  • No user configuration or involvement required.

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