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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Viewing Lifecycle log

Lifecycle Controller logs provide the history of changes related to components installed on a managed system. You can also add work notes to each log entry.

The following events and activities are logged:
  • All
  • System Health — System Health category represents all the alerts that are related to hardware within the system chassis.
  • Storage — Storage Health category represents alerts that are related to the storage subsystem.
  • Updates — Update category represents alerts that are generated due to firmware/Driver upgrades/downgrades.
  • Audit — Audit category represents the audit log.
  • Configuration — Configuration category represents alerts that are related to hardware, firmware and software configuration changes.
  • Work Notes
When you log in to or log out of iDRAC using any of the following interfaces, the log-in, log-out, or login failure events are recorded in the Lifecycle logs:
  • Telnet
  • SSH
  • Web interface
  • Redfish
  • SM-CLP
  • IPMI over LAN
  • Serial
  • Virtual console
  • Virtual media

You can view and filter logs based on the category and severity level. You can also export and add a work note to a log event.

NOTE Lifecycle logs for Personality Mode change is generated only during the warm boot of the host.

If you initiate configuration jobs using RACADM CLI or iDRAC web interface, the Lifecycle log contains information about the user, interface used, and the IP address of the system from which you initiate the job.

NOTE On MX platform, Lifecycle Controller logs multiple job IDs for configuration or installation jobs created using OME - Modular. For more information on the jobs performed, see the OME - Modular logs.

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