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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

SOL using SSH or Telnet protocol

Secure Shell (SSH) and Telnet are network protocols used to perform command line communications to iDRAC. You can parse remote RACADM and SMCLP commands through either of these interfaces.

SSH has improved security over Telnet. iDRAC only supports SSH version 2 with password authentication, and is enabled by default. iDRAC supports up to two SSH sessions and two Telnet sessions at a time. It is recommended to use SSH as Telnet is not a secure protocol. You must use Telnet only if you cannot install an SSH client or if your network infrastructure is secure.

Use open-source programs such as PuTTY or OpenSSH that support SSH and Telnet network protocols on a management station to connect to iDRAC.

NOTE Run OpenSSH from a VT100 or ANSI terminal emulator on Windows. Running OpenSSH at the Windows command prompt does not result in full functionality (that is, some keys do not respond and no graphics are displayed).

Before using SSH or Telnet to communicate with iDRAC, make sure to:

  1. Configure BIOS to enable Serial Console.
  2. Configure SOL in iDRAC.
  3. Enable SSH or Telnet using iDRAC Web interface or RACADM.

    Telnet (port 23)/ SSH (port 22) client <−−> WAN connection <−−> iDRAC

    The IPMI-based SOL that uses SSH or Telnet protocol eliminates the need for an additional utility because the serial to network translation happens within iDRAC. The SSH or Telnet console that you use must be able to interpret and respond to the data arriving from the serial port of the managed system. The serial port usually attaches to a shell that emulates an ANSI- or VT100/VT220–terminal. The serial console is automatically redirected to the SSH or Telnet console.

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