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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Passing all keystrokes through virtual console for Java or ActiveX plug-in

You can enable the Pass all keystrokes to server option and send all keystrokes and key combinations from the management station to the managed system through the Virtual Console Viewer. If it is disabled, it directs all the key combinations to the management station where the Virtual Console session is running. To pass all keystrokes to the server, in the Virtual Console Viewer, go to Tools > Session Options > General tab and select the Pass all keystrokes to server option to pass the management station's keystrokes to the managed system.

The behavior of the Pass all keystrokes to server feature depends on the:
  • Plug-in type (Java or ActiveX) based on which Virtual Console session is launched.

    For the Java client, the native library must be loaded for Pass all keystrokes to server and Single Cursor mode to function. If the native libraries are not loaded, the Pass all keystrokes to server and Single Cursor options are deselected. If you attempt to select either of these options, an error message is displayed indicating that the selected options are not supported.

    For the ActiveX client, the native library must be loaded for Pass all keystrokes to server function to work. If the native libraries are not loaded, the Pass all keystrokes to server option is deselected. If you attempt to select this option, an error message is displayed indicating that the feature is not supported

    For MAC operating systems, enable the Enable access of assistive device option in Universal Access for the Pass all keystrokes to server feature to work.

  • Operating system running on the management station and managed system. The key combinations that are meaningful to the operating system on the management station are not passed to the managed system.
  • Virtual Console Viewer mode—Windowed or Full Screen.

    In Full Screen mode, Pass all keystrokes to server is enabled by default.

    In Windowed mode, the keys passed only when the Virtual Console Viewer is visible and is active.

    When changed from Full Screen mode to Windowed mode, the previous state of Pass all keys is resumed.

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