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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Modifying PCIe airflow settings using iDRAC web interface

Use the PCIe airflow settings when increased thermal margin is desired for custom high powered PCIe cards.
NOTE PCIe airflow settings is not available on MX platforms.

To modify the PCIe airflow settings:

  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Configuration > System Settings > Hardware Settings > Cooling Configuration.
    The PCIe Airflow Settings page is displayed below the fan settings section.
  2. Specify the following:
    • LFM Mode — Select the Custom mode to enable the custom LFM option.
    • Custom LFM — Enter the LFM value.
  3. Click Apply to apply the settings.

    The following message is displayed:

    It is recommended to reboot the system when a thermal profile change has been made. This is to ensure all power and thermal settings are activated.

    Click Reboot Later or Reboot Now.
    NOTE You must reboot the system for the settings to take effect.

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