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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Group Settings

Group settings page provides a listing of selected group attributes.
Table 1. Group setting attributesGroup settings attributes
Group Attribute Description
Group Name Displays the name of that Group.
Number of Systems Displays the total number of systems in that group.
Created on Displays the time stamp details.
Created by Displays the details of Group admin.
Controlling System Displays the Service Tag of the system, that acts as the controlling system and coordinates the group management tasks.
Backup System Displays the Service Tag of the system, that acts as the backup system. In case the controlling system is unavailable, it takes up roles of the controlling system.

Allows the user to perform actions listed on the table below on the group. A group configuration job would be created for these actions (change group name, change group passcode, remove the members and delete the group). The status of group job can be viewed or modified from GroupManager > Jobs page.

Table 2. Group setting actionsGroup setting actions
Actions Description
Change Name Allows you to change the Current Group Name with a New Group Name.
Change Passcode Allows you to change the existing group password by entering a New Group Passcode and validating that password by Reenter New Group Passcode.
Remove Systems Allows you to remove multiple systems from the group at a time.
Delete Group Allows you to delete the group. To use any feature of group manager, the user should have administrator privileges. Any pending jobs will be stopped in case the group is deleted.

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