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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring persistence policy settings

Using IO identity, you can configure policies specifying the system reset and power cycle behaviors that determine the persistence or clearance of the virtual address, initiator, and storage target settings. Each individual persistence policy attribute applies to all ports and partitions of all applicable devices in the system. The device behavior changes between auxiliary powered devices and non-auxiliary powered devices.

NOTE The Persistence Policy feature may not work when set to default, if the VirtualAddressManagement attribute is set to FlexAddress (not for MX platforms) or RemoteAssignedAddress (for MX platforms) mode on iDRAC and if the FlexAddress or Remote-Assigned Address feature is disabled in CMC (not for MX platforms) or OME Modular (for MX platforms), ensure that you set the VirtualAddressManagement attribute to Console mode in iDRAC or enable the FlexAddress or Remote-Assigned Address feature in CMC or OME Modular.
You can configure the following persistence policies:
  • Virtual Address: Auxiliary powered devices
  • Virtual Address: Non-Auxiliary powered devices
  • Initiator
  • Storage target
Before applying the persistence policy, make sure to:
  • Inventory the network hardware at least once, that is, enabled Collect System Inventory On Restart.
  • Enable I/O Identity Optimization.
Events are logged to the Lifecycle Controller log when:
  • I/O Identity Optimization is enabled or disabled.
  • Persistence policy is changed.
  • Virtual address, initiator and target values are set based on the policy. A single log entry is logged for the configured devices and the values that are set for those devices when the policy is applied.

Event actions are enabled for SNMP, email, or WS-eventing notifications. Logs are also included in the remote syslogs.

Default values for persistence policy

Table 1. Default values for persistence policyDefault values for persistence policy
Persistence Policy AC Power Loss Cold Boot Warm Boot
Virtual Address: Auxiliary Powered Devices Not selected Selected Selected
Virtual Address: Non-Auxiliary Powered Devices Not selected Not selected Selected
Initiator Selected Selected Selected
Storage Target Selected Selected Selected
NOTE When a persistent policy is disabled and when you perform the action to lose the virtual address, re-enabling the persistent policy does not retrieve the virtual address. You must set the virtual address again after you enable the persistent policy.
NOTE If there is a persistence policy in effect and the virtual addresses, initiator, or storage targets are set on a CNA-device partition, do not reset or clear the values configured for virtual addresses, initiator, and storage targets before changing the VirtualizationMode or the personality of the partition. The action is performed automatically when you disable the persistence policy. You can also use a configuration job to explicitly set the virtual address attributes to 0s and the initiator and storage targets values as defined in iSCSI initiator and storage target default values.

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