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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Preparing to remove PCIe SSD using web interface

To prepare the PCIe SSD for removal:
  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Storage > Overview > Physical Disks.
    The Setup Physical Disk page is displayed.
  2. From the Controller drop-down menu, select the extender to view the associated PCIe SSDs.
  3. From the drop-down menus, select Prepare to Remove for one or more PCIe SSDs.
    If you have selected Prepare to Remove and you want to view the other options in the drop-down menu, then select Action and then click the drop-down menu to view the other options.
    NOTE Ensure that iSM is installed and running to perform the preparetoremove operation.
  4. From the Apply Operation Mode drop-down menu, select Apply Now to apply the actions immediately.
    If there are jobs to be completed, then this option is grayed-out.
    NOTE For PCIe SSD devices, only the Apply Now option is available. This operation is not supported in staged mode.
  5. Click Apply.
    If the job is not created, a message indicating that the job creation was not successful is displayed. Also, the message ID and the recommended response action is displayed.

    If the job is created successfully, a message indicating that the job ID is created for the selected controller is displayed. Click Job Queue to view the progress of the job in the Job Queue page.

    If pending operation is not created, an error message is displayed. If pending operation is successful and job creation is not successful, then an error message is displayed.

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