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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Management Station Settings

Perform the following steps after configuring SSO login for Active Directory users:
  1. Set the DNS Server IP in Network properties and mention the preferred DNS Server IP.
  2. Go to My Computer and add the tiger.com domain.
  3. Add the Active Directory User to Administrator by navigating to: My Computer > Manage > Local User and Groups > Groups > Administrator and add the Active Directory User.
  4. Logoff the system and login using the Active Directory User credential.
  5. In Internet Explorer Setting, add *.tiger.com domain as below:
    1. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Local Internet > Sites and clear the Automatically detect intranet network setting selection. Select the remaining three options and click Advanced to add *.tiger.com
    2. Open a new window in IE and use the iDRAC hostname to launch the iDRAC GUI.
  6. In Mozilla Firefox Setting, add *.tiger.com domain:
    • Launch Firefox browser and type about:config in the URL.
    • Use negotiate in the filter textbox. Double click the result consisting of auth.trusted.uris. Type the tiger.com domain, save the settings and close the browser.
    • Open a new window in Firefox and use the iDRAC hostname to launch the iDRAC GUI.
NOTE On the management stations running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows 2000 operating system, ensure that you make the following modifications in the registry:
  • For Standard schema, allow encryption types for Kerberos and outgoing NTLM traffic from Local Group Policy editor, then perform a Group Policy update.
  • For Extended schema, create a DWORD key in Registry Editor.

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