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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Updating firmware using DUP

Before you update firmware using Dell Update Package (DUP), make sure to:
  • Install and enable the IPMI and managed system drivers.
  • Enable and start the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service if your system is running Windows operating system,
    NOTE While updating the iDRAC firmware using the DUP utility in Linux, if you see error messages such as usb 5-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 displayed on the console, ignore them.
  • If the system has ESX hypervisor installed, then for the DUP file to run, make sure that the "usbarbitrator" service is stopped using command: service usbarbitrator stop

To update iDRAC using DUP:

  1. Download the DUP based on the installed operating system and run it on the managed system.
  2. Run the DUP.
    The firmware is updated. A system restart is not required after firmware update is complete.

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