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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

RAID level 50 - striping over RAID 5 sets

RAID 50 is striping over more than one span of physical disks. For example, a RAID 5 disk group that is implemented with three physical disks and then continues on with a disk group of three more physical disks would be a RAID 50.

It is possible to implement RAID 50 even when the hardware does not directly support it. In this case, you can implement more than one RAID 5 virtual disks and then convert the RAID 5 disks to dynamic disks. You can then create a dynamic volume that is spanned across all RAID 5 virtual disks.

Image displaying RAID level 50

RAID 50 characteristics:

  • Groups n*s disks as one large virtual disk with a capacity of s*(n-1) disks, where s is the number of spans and n is the number of disks within each span.
  • Redundant information (parity) is alternately stored on all disks of each RAID 5 span.
  • Better read performance, but slower write performance.
  • Requires as much parity information as standard RAID 5.
  • Data is striped across all spans. RAID 50 is more expensive in terms of disk space.

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