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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Jobs View

Jobs view allows the user to track the progress of a group job, helps with simple recovery steps to correct connectivity induced failures. It also shows the history of the last group actions that were performed as an audit log. The user can use the jobs view to track the progress of the action across the group or to cancel an action that is schedule to occur in the future. The Jobs view allows the user to view the status of the last 50 jobs that have been run and any success or failures that has occurred.
Table 1. Jobs ViewJobs View
Option Description
Status Shows the job's status and the state of the ongoing job.
Job Displays the Job's name.
ID Displays the Job's ID.
Start Time Displays the start time.
End Time Displays the end time.
  • Cancel — A scheduled job can be cancelled, before it moves to running state. A running job can be stopped by using the stop button.
  • Rerun — Allows the user to rerun the job in case the job is in failure state.
  • Remove — Allows the user to remove the completed old jobs.
Export You can export the group job information to the local system for future references. The jobs list can be exported to csv file format. It contains data related to individual job.
NOTE For each job entry, the list of systems provide details up to 100 systems. Each system entry contains Hostname, Service Tag, Member Job Status and Message if in case the job failed.
All Group actions that create jobs are performed on all the group members with immediate effect. You can perform the following tasks:
  • Add/Edit/Remove users
  • Configure email alerts
  • Change group passcode and name
NOTE Group jobs complete quickly as long as all members are online and accessible. It may take 10 minutes from job start to job complete. A job will wait and retry for up to 10 hours for the systems that are not accessible.
NOTE While an onboarding job is running no other Job can be scheduled. Jobs include:
  • Add New User
  • Change User Password
  • Delete User
  • Configure Alerts
  • Onboard additional systems
  • Change Group Passcode
  • Change Group Name
Attempting to invoke another Job while an Onboarding task is active, consequences GMGR0039 error code. Once the onboarding task has made its first attempt to onboard all the new systems, Jobs can be created at any point in time.

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