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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Filtering alerts using iDRAC web interface

To filter the alerts based on category and severity:
NOTE Even if you are a user with read-only privileges, you can filter the alerts.
  1. In iDRAC Web interface, go to Configuration > System Settings > Alerts and Remote System Log Configuration.
  2. Under Alerts and Remote System Log Configuration section, select Filter:
    • System Health — System Health category represents all the alerts that are related to hardware within the system chassis. Examples include temperature errors, voltage errors, device errors.
    • Storage Health — Storage Health category represents alerts that are related to the storage subsystem. Examples include, controller errors, physical disk errors, virtual disk errors.
    • Configuration — Configuration category represents alerts that are related to hardware, firmware and software configuration changes. Examples include, PCI-e card added/removed, RAID configuration changed, iDRAC license changed.
    • Audit — Audit category represents the audit log. Examples include, user login/logout information, Password authentication failures, session info, power states.
    • Updates — Update category represents alerts that are generated due to firmware/Driver upgrades/downgrades.
      NOTE This doesn’t represent firmware inventory.
    • Work Notes
  3. Select one or more of the following severity levels:
    • Informational
    • Warning
    • Critical
  4. Click Apply.
    The Alert Results section displays the results based on the selected category and severity.

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