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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Backing up server profile

You can back up the system configuration, including the installed firmware images on various components such as BIOS, RAID, NIC, iDRAC, Lifecycle Controller, and Network Daughter Cards (NDCs) and the configuration settings of those components. The backup operation also includes the hard disk configuration data, motherboard, and replaced parts. The backup creates a single file that you can save to a vFlash SD card or network share (CIFS, NFS, HTTP or HTTPS).

You can also enable and schedule periodic backups of the firmware and server configuration based on a certain day, week, or month.

NOTE It is recommended not to reset iDRAC while server-profile backup or restore operation is in progress.

Backup feature is licensed and is available with the iDRAC Enterprise license.

Before performing a backup operation, make sure that:
  • Collect System Inventory On Reboot (CSIOR) option is enabled. If you initiate a back operation while CSIOR is disabled, the following message is displayed:
    System Inventory with iDRAC may be stale,start CSIOR for updated inventory
  • To perform backup on a vFlash SD card:
    • vFlash SD card is inserted, enabled, and initialized.
    • vFlash SD card has at least 100 MB free space to store the backup file.

The backup file contains encrypted user sensitive data, configuration information, and firmware images that you can use for import server profile operation.

Backup events are recorded in the Lifecycle Log.

NOTE If you are exporting the server profile using NFS on Windows 10 operating system and face issues accessing the exported server profile, enable Client for NFS in Windows Features.

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