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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Using SSH or Telnet or external serial connector directly connecting through serial cable

  1. For telnet/SSH sessions, after logging in using the iDRAC username and password, at the /admin> prompt, run the command console com2. The localhost.localdomain prompt appears.
  2. For console redirection using external serial connector directly connected to the system through a serial cable, the localhost.localdomain login prompt appears after the server boots to the operating system.
  3. Log in using the operating system user name and password.
  4. If SysRq is not enabled, enable using echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq.
  5. Use the magic key to enable the SysRq function. For example, the following command reboots the server:
    echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
    NOTE You do not have to run break sequence before using the magic SysRq keys.

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