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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

OCE and RLM Restrictions or Limitations

Following are the common limitations for OCE and RLM:
  • OCE/RLM is restricted to the scenario where the disk group contains only one VD.
  • OCE is not supported on RAID50 and RAID60. RLM is not supported on RAID10,RAID50 and RAID60.
  • If the controller already contains the maximum number of virtual disks, you cannot perform a RAID level migration or capacity expansion on any virtual disk.
  • The controller changes the write cache policy of all virtual disks undergoing a RLM/OCE to Write-Through until RLM/OCE is complete.
  • Reconfiguring Virtual Disks typically impacts disk performance until the reconfiguration operation is complete.
  • The total number of physical disks in a disk group cannot exceed 32.
  • If any background operation (like BGI/rebuild/copyback/patrol read ) is already running on the corresponding VD/PD then Reconfiguration (OCE/RLM) is not allowed at that time.
  • Any kind of disk migration when Reconfiguration (OCE/RLM) is on progress on drives associated with VD causes reconfiguration to fail.
  • Any new drive added for OCE/RLM becomes part of the VD after reconstruction completes. But State for those new drive changes to Online just after reconstruction starts.

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