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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Creating virtual disks using web interface

To create virtual disk:
  1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Storage > Overview > Virtual DisksAdvanced Filter.
  2. In the Virtual Disk section, do the following:
    1. From the Controller drop-down menu, select the controller for which you want to create the virtual disk.
    2. From the Layout drop-down menu, select the RAID level for the Virtual Disk.
      Only those RAID levels supported by the controller appear in the drop-down menu and it is based on the RAID levels are available based on the total number of physical disks available.
    3. Select the Media Type, Stripe Size, Read Policy, Write Policy, Disk Cache Policy, .
      Only those values supported by the controller appear in the drop-down menus for these properties.
    4. In the Capacity field, enter the size of the virtual disk.
      The maximum size is displayed and then updated as disks are selected.
    5. The Span Count field is displayed based on the selected physical disks (step 3). You cannot set this value. It is automatically calculated after selecting disks for multi-raid level. If you have selected RAID 10 and if the controller supports uneven RAID 10, then the span count value is not displayed. The controller automatically sets the appropriate value.
  3. In the Select Physical Disks section, select the number of physical disks.
    For more information about the fields, see the iDRAC Online Help
  4. From the Apply Operation Mode drop-down menu, select when you want to apply the settings.
  5. Click Create Virtual Disk.
    Based on the selected Apply Operation Mode, the settings are applied.
    NOTE You can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores in the disk name. Any other special characters that you enter are removed while creating the virtual disk.

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