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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide


The Server Management Command Line Protocol (SMCLP) specification enables CLI-based systems management. It defines a protocol for management commands transmitted over standard character oriented streams. This protocol accesses a Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM) using a human-oriented command set. The SMCLP is a sub-component of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) SMASH initiative to streamline systems management across multiple platforms. The SMCLP specification, along with the Managed Element Addressing Specification and numerous profiles to SMCLP mapping specifications, describes the standard verbs and targets for various management task executions.

NOTE It is assumed that you are familiar with the Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) Initiative and the Server Management Working Group (SMWG) SMCLP specifications.

The SM-CLP is a subcomponent of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) SMASH initiative to streamline server management across multiple platforms. The SM-CLP specification, along with the Managed Element Addressing Specification and numerous profiles to SM-CLP mapping specifications, describes the standard verbs and targets for various management task executions.

The SMCLP is hosted from the iDRAC controller firmware and supports Telnet, SSH, and serial-based interfaces. The iDRAC SMCLP interface is based on the SMCLP Specification Version 1.0 provided by the DMTF organization.

NOTE Information about the profiles, extensions, and MOFs are available at www.dell.com/support and all DMTF information is available at dmtf.org/standards/profiles/.

SM-CLP commands implement a subset of the local RACADM commands. The commands are useful for scripting since you can execute these commands from a management station command line. You can retrieve the output of commands in well-defined formats, including XML, facilitating scripting and integration with existing reporting and management tools.

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