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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring Internet Explorer to use HTML5-based plug-in

The HTML5 virtual console and virtual media APIs are created by using HTML5 technology. The following are the advantages of HTML5 technology:
  • Installation is not required on the client workstation.
  • Compatibility is based on browser and is not based on the operating system or installed components.
  • Compatible with most of the desktops and mobile platforms.
  • Quick deployment and the client is downloaded as part of a web page.

You must configure Internet Explorer (IE) settings before you launch and run HTML5 based virtual console and virtual media applications. To configure the browser settings:

  1. Disable pop-up blocker. To do this, click Tools > Internet Options > Privacy and clear the Turn on Pop-up Blocker check-box.
  2. Start the HTML5 virtual console using any of the following methods:
  3. To display the Title Bar information in IE, go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalization > Window Classic

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