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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

RAID Configuration Features

Following table lists some of the RAID configuration features which are available in RACADM and WSMan:

CAUTION Forcing a physical disk to go online or offline may result in data loss.
Table 1. RAID Configuration Features
FeatureRACADM CommandDescription
Force Online
racadm storage forceonline:<PD FQDD>
A power failure, corrupted data, or some other reason may lead to a physical disk going offline. You can use this feature to force a physical disk back into an online state when all other options have been exhausted. Once the command is run, the controller places the drive back into online state and restore its membership within the virtual disk. This happens only if the controller can read from the drive and can write into its metadata.
NOTE Data recovery is only possible if a limited portion of the disk is damaged. Force Online feature cannot fix an already failed disk.
Force Offline
racadm storage forceoffline:<PD FQDD>
This feature removes a drive from a virtual disk configuration so that it goes offline, resulting in a degraded VD configuration. It is helpful if a drive is likely to fail in near future or is reporting a SMART failure but is still online. It can be also used if you would like to utilize a drive which is part of an existing RAID configuration.
Replace Physical Disk
racadm storage replacephysicaldisk:<Source PD FQDD > -dstpd <Destination PD FQDD>
Allows you to copy data from a physical disk which is a member of a VD, to another physical disk. The source disk should be in online state, while the destination disk should be in ready state and of a similar size and type to replace the source.
Virtual Disk as boot device
racadm storage setbootvd:<controller FQDD> -vd <VirtualDisk FQDD>
A virtual disk can be configured as a boot device using this feature. This enables fault tolerance when a VD with redundancy is selected as the boot device, and also has the operating system installed on it.
Unlock Foreign Configuration
racadm storage unlock:<Controller FQDD> -key <Key id> -passwd <passphrase>
This feature is used to authenticate locked drives which have a different source controller encryption than the destination. Once unlocked, the drive can be successfully migrated from one controller to another.
Import Foreign Configuration
racadm storage importconfig:RAID.Integrated.1-1
After a successful unlock the drives are still secured by the foreign controller key. Running the import feature changes the key on these drives with the local controller and the security status changes from Foreign to Secured.

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