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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Setting up management station

A management station is a computer used for accessing iDRAC interfaces to remotely monitor and manage the PowerEdge server(s).

To set up the management station:

  1. Install a supported operating system. For more information, see the release notes.
  2. Install and configure a supported Web browser. For more information, see the release notes.
  3. Install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (required if Java plug-in type is used to access iDRAC using a Web browser).
    NOTE You need Java 8 or later to use this feature and to launch iDRAC Virtual Console over an IPv6 network.
  4. From the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD, install Remote RACADM and VMCLI from the SYSMGMT folder. Else, run Setup on the DVD to install Remote RACADM by default and other OpenManage software. For more information about RACADM, see iDRAC RACADM CLI Guide available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals.
  5. Install the following based on the requirement:
    • Telnet
    • SSH client
    • TFTP
    • Dell OpenManage Essentials

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