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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Enabling or disabling IO Identity Optimization

Normally, after the system boots, the devices are configured and then after a reboot the devices are initialized. You can enable the I/O Identity Optimization feature to achieve boot optimization. If it is enabled, it sets the virtual address, initiator, and storage target attributes after the device is reset and before it is initialized, thus eliminating a second BIOS restart. The device configuration and boot operation occur in a single system start and is optimized for boot time performance.

Before enabling I/O identity optimization, make sure that:
  • You have the Login, Configure, and System Control privileges.
  • BIOS, iDRAC, and network cards are updated to the latest firmware.

After enabling I/O Identity Optimization feature, export the Server Configuration Profile file from iDRAC, modify the required I/O Identity attributes in the SCP file, and import the file back to iDRAC.

For the list of I/O Identity Optimization attributes that you can modify in the SCP file, see the NIC Profile document available at www.dell.com/support.

NOTE Do not modify non I/O Identity Optimization attributes.

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