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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Rebuild Physical Disk

Rebuild Physical Disk is the ability to reconstruct the contents of a failed disk. This is true only when auto rebuild option is set to false. If there is a redundant virtual disk, the rebuild operation can reconstruct the contents of a failed physical disk. A rebuild can take place during normal operation, but it degrades performance.

Cancel Rebuild can be used to cancel a rebuild that is in progress. If you cancel a rebuild, the virtual disk remains in a degraded state. The failure of an additional physical disk can cause the virtual disk to fail and may result in data loss. It is recommended to perform a rebuild on the failed physical disk at the earliest.

In case, you cancel the rebuild of a physical disk that is assigned as a hot spare, reinitiate the rebuild on the same physical disk in order to restore the data. Canceling the rebuild of a physical disk and then assigning another physical disk as a hot spare does not cause the newly assigned hot spare to rebuild the data.

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