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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Monitoring chassis events

On the PowerEdge FX2/FX2s chassis, you can enable the Chassis Management and Monitoring setting in iDRAC to perform chassis management and monitoring tasks such as monitoring chassis components, configuring alerts, using iDRAC RACADM to pass CMC RACADM commands, and updating the chassis management firmware. This setting allows you to manage the servers in the chassis even if the CMC is not on the network. You can set the value to Disabled to forward the chassis events. By default, this setting is set as Enabled.

NOTE For this setting to take effect, you must ensure that in CMC, the Chassis Management at Server setting must be set to Monitor or Manage and Monitor.

When the Chassis Management and Monitoring option is set to Enabled, iDRAC generates and logs chassis events. The events generated are integrated into the iDRAC event subsystem and alerts are generated similar to the rest of the events.

CMC also forwards the events generated to iDRAC. In case the iDRAC on the server is not functional, CMC queues the first 16 events and logs the rest in the CMC log. These 16 events are sent to iDRAC as soon as Chassis monitoring is set to enabled.

In instances where iDRAC detects that a required CMC functionality is absent, a warning message is displayed informing you that certain features may not be functional without a CMC firmware upgrade.

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