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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Enabling IPMI serial connection basic and terminal modes

To enable IPMI serial routing of BIOS to iDRAC, configure IPMI Serial in any of the following modes in iDRAC:

NOTE This is applicable only for iDRAC on rack and tower servers.
  • IPMI basic mode — Supports a binary interface for program access, such as the IPMI shell (ipmish) that is included with the Baseboard Management Utility (BMU). For example, to print the System Event Log using ipmish via IPMI Basic mode, run the following command:

    ipmish -com 1 -baud 57600 -flow cts -u <username> -p <password> sel get

    NOTE The default iDRAC user name and password are provided on the system badge.
  • IPMI terminal mode — Supports ASCII commands that are sent from a serial terminal. This mode supports limited number of commands (including power control) and raw IPMI commands that are typed as hexadecimal ASCII characters. It allows you to view the operating system boot sequences up to BIOS, when you login to iDRAC through SSH or Telnet. You need to logout from the IPMI terminal using [sys pwd -x], below are the example for IPMI Terminal mode commands.
    • [sys tmode]
    • [sys pwd -u root calvin]
    • [sys health query -v]
    • [18 00 01]
    • [sys pwd -x]

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