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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Operating system behavior for attached partitions

For Windows and Linux operating systems:

  • The operating system controls and assigns the drive letters to the attached partitions.
  • Read-only partitions are read-only drives in the operating system.
  • The operating system must support the file system of an attached partition. Else, you cannot read or modify the contents of the partition from the operating system. For example, in a Windows environment the operating system cannot read the partition type EXT2 which is native to Linux. Also, in a Linux environment the operating system cannot read the partition type NTFS which is native to Windows.
  • The vFlash partition label is different from the volume name of the file system on the emulated USB device. You can change the volume name of the emulated USB device from the operating system. However, it does not change the partition label name stored in iDRAC.

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