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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Setting up iDRAC communication

You can communicate with iDRAC using any of the following modes:
  • iDRAC Web Interface
  • Serial connection using DB9 cable (RAC serial or IPMI serial) — For rack and tower servers only
  • IPMI Serial Over LAN
  • IPMI Over LAN
  • Remote RACADM
  • Local RACADM
  • Remote Services
NOTE To ensure that Local RACADM import or export commands work properly, ensure that the USB mass-storage host is enabled in the operating system. For information about enabling USB storage host, see the documentation for your operating system.

The following table provides an overview of the supported protocols, supported commands, and pre-requisites:

Table 1. Communication modes — summaryCommunication modes
Mode of Communication Supported Protocol Supported Commands Pre-requisite
iDRAC Web Interface Internet Protocol (https) N/A Web Server
Serial using Null modem DB9 cable Serial Protocol




Part of iDRAC firmware

RAC Serial or IPMI Serial is enabled

IPMI Serial Over LAN

Intelligent Platform Management Bus protocol



IPMI IPMITool is installed and IPMI Serial Over LAN is enabled
IPMI over LAN Intelligent Platform Management Bus protocol IPMI IPMITool is installed and IPMI Settings is enabled



SMCLP SSH or Telnet on iDRAC is enabled
Remote RACADM https Remote RACADM Remote RACADM is installed and enabled
Firmware RACADM



Firmware RACADM Firmware RACADM is installed and enabled
Local RACADM IPMI Local RACADM Local RACADM is installed
Remote Services 1 WSMan

WinRM (Windows)

OpenWSMan (Linux)

WinRM is installed (Windows) or OpenWSMan is installed (Linux)
Redfish Various browser plug-ins, CURL (Windows and Linux), Python request and JSON modules Plug-ins, CURL, Python modules are installed
[1] For more information, see the Lifecycle Controller User's Guide available at www.dell.com/idracmanuals.

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