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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Monitoring and managing power

You can use iDRAC to monitor and manage the power requirements of the managed system. This helps to protect the system from power outages by appropriately distributing and regulating the power consumption on the system.

The key features are:

  • Power Monitoring — View the power status, history of power measurements, the current averages, peaks, and so on for the managed system.
  • Power Capping — View and set the power cap for the managed system, including displaying the minimum and maximum potential power consumption. This is a licensed feature.
  • Power Control — Enables you to remotely perform power control operations (such as, power on, power off, system reset, power cycle, and graceful shutdown) on the managed system.
  • Power Supply Options — Configure the power supply options such as redundancy policy, hot spare, and power factor correction.

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