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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Erasing SED device data

NOTE This operation is not supported when SED device is a part of a Virtual Disk. The target SED device must be removed from the virtual disk prior to performing device erase.

Cryptographic Erase permanently erases all data present on the disk. Performing a Cryptographic Erase on an SED overwrites all blocks and results in permanent loss of all data on the SED. During Cryptographic Erase, the host is unable to access the SED. SED device erase can be performed either in real time or be applied after a system reboot.

If the system reboots or experiences a power loss during cryptographic erase, the operation is canceled. You must reboot the system and restart the process.

Before erasing SED device data, ensure that:
  • Lifecycle Controller is enabled.
  • You have Server Control and Login privileges.
  • Selected SED drive is not part of a virtual disk.
  • Erasing SEDs can be performed either as a real time or as a staged operation.
  • After the SED drive is erased, it may still be displayed as active within the OS due to data caching. If this occurs, reboot the OS and the erased SED drive will no longer be displayed or report any data.
  • Cryptographic erase feature is supported for SEDs for 14th generation PowerEdge servers.

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