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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Scheduling automatic firmware updates

You can create a periodic recurring schedule for iDRAC to check for new firmware updates. At the scheduled date and time, iDRAC connects to the specified destination, checks for new updates, and applies or stages all applicable updates. A log file is created on the remote server, which contains information about server access and staged firmware updates.

It is recommended that you create a repository using Dell Repository Manager (DRM) and configure iDRAC to use this repository to check for and perform firmware updates. Using an internal repository enables you to control the firmware and versions available to iDRAC and helps avoid any unintended firmware changes.

NOTE For more information about DRM, see Dell.com/openmanagemanuals > Repository Manager.

iDRAC Enterprise license is required to schedule automatic updates.

You can schedule automatic firmware updates using the iDRAC web interface or RACADM.

NOTE IPv6 address is not supported for scheduling automatic firmware updates.

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