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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Importing server profile using iDRAC web interface

To import the server profile using iDRAC web interface:

  1. Go to iDRAC Settings > Settings > Import Server Profile.
    The Import Server Profile page is displayed.
  2. Select one of the following to specify the location of the backup file:
    • Network Share to save the backup file image on a CIFS or NFS share.
    • HTTP/ HTTPS to save the backup file image to a local file via HTTP/S file transfer.
  3. Enter the backup File Name, Backup File Passphrase (optional) and Confirm Passphrase details.
  4. Enter the backup File Name and decryption passphrase (optional).
  5. If Network is selected as the file location, enter the network settings.
    NOTE While specifying the network share settings, it is recommended to avoid special characters for user name and password or percent encode the special characters.
    For information about the fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
  6. Select one of the following for Virtual disks configuration and hard disk data:
    • Preserve - Preserves the RAID level, virtual disk, controller attributes, and hard disk data in the system and restores the system to a previously known state using the backup image file.
    • Delete and Replace - Deletes and replaces the RAID level, virtual disk, controller attributes, and hard disk configuration information in the system with the data from the backup image file.
  7. Click Import.
    The import server profile operation is initiated.

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