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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Using public key authentication for SSH

iDRAC supports the Public Key Authentication (PKA) over SSH. This is a licensed feature. When the PKA over SSH is set up and used correctly, you must enter the user name while logging into iDRAC. This is useful for setting up automated scripts that perform various functions. The uploaded keys must be in RFC 4716 or OpenSSH format. Else, you must convert the keys into that format.

In any scenario, a pair of private and public key must be generated on the management station. The public key is uploaded to iDRAC local user and private key is used by the SSH client to establish the trust relationship between the management station and iDRAC.

You can generate the public or private key pair using:
  • PuTTY Key Generator application for clients running Windows
  • ssh-keygen CLI for clients running Linux.
CAUTION This privilege is normally reserved for users who are members of the Administrator user group on iDRAC. However, users in the ‘Custom’ user group can be assigned this privilege. A user with this privilege can modify any user’s configuration. This includes creation or deletion of any user, SSH Key management for users, and so on. For these reasons, assign this privilege carefully.
CAUTION The capability to upload, view, and/ or delete SSH keys is based on the ’Configure Users’ user privilege. This privilege allows user(s) to configure another user's SSH key. You should grant this privilege carefully.

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