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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring Active Directory with Standard schema using iDRAC web interface

NOTE For information about the various fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
  1. In the iDRAC web interface, go to iDRAC Settings > Users > Directory Services.
    The Directory Service page is displayed.
  2. Select the Microsoft Active Directory option and then click Edit.
    The Active Directory Configuration and Management page is displayed.
  3. Click Configure Active Directory.
    The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 1 of 4 page is displayed.
  4. Optionally, enable certificate validation and upload the CA-signed digital certificate used during initiation of SSL connections when communicating with the Active Directory (AD) server. For this, the Domain Controllers and Global Catalog FQDN must be specified. This is done in the next steps. And hence the DNS should be configured properly in the network settings.
  5. Click Next.

    The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 2 of 4 page is displayed.

  6. Enable Active Directory and specify the location information about Active Directory servers and user accounts. Also, specify the time iDRAC must wait for responses from Active Directory during iDRAC login.
    NOTE If certificate validation is enabled, specify the Domain Controller Server addresses and the Global Catalog FQDN. Make sure that DNS is configured correctly under iDRAC Settings > Network.
  7. Click Next. The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 3 of 4 page is displayed.
  8. Select Standard Schema and click Next.
    The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 4a of 4 page is displayed.
  9. Enter the location of Active Directory global catalog server(s) and specify privilege groups used to authorize users.
  10. Click a Role Group to configure the control authorization policy for users under the standard schema mode.
    The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 4b of 4 page is displayed.
  11. Specify the privileges and click Apply.

    The settings are applied and the Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 4a of 4 page is displayed.

  12. Click Finish. The Active Directory settings for standard schema are configured.

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