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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring iDRAC Quick Sync 2

Using iDRAC web interface, RACADM, WSMan and iDRAC HII you can configure iDRAC Quick Sync 2 feature to allow access to the mobile device:
  • Access — Configure to Read-Write, Read-only, and Disabled. Read-Write is the default option.
  • Timeout — Configure to Enabled or Disabled. Enabled is the default option.
  • Timeout Limit — Indicates the time after which the Quick Sync 2 mode is disabled. By default, seconds are selected. The default value is 120 seconds. The range is 120 to 3600 seconds.
    1. If enabled, you can specify a time after which the Quick Sync 2 mode is turned off. To turn on, press the activation button again.
    2. If disabled, the timer does not allow you to enter a time-out period.
  • Read Authentication — Configures to Enabled, this is the default option.
  • WiFi — Configures to Enabled, this is the default option.

You must have Server Control privilege to configure the settings. A server reboot is not required for the settings to take effect. once configured, you can activate the Quick Sync 2 button on the Left Control Panel. Make sure the Quick Sync light turns on. Then, access the Quick Sync Information via a mobile device.

An entry is logged to the Lifecycle Controller log when the configuration is modified.

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