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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Configuring USB management port settings

You can enable or disable the iDRAC Direct USB Port using the system BIOS. Navigate to System BIOS > Integrated Devices. Select On to enable and Off to disable the iDRAC Direct USB Port.

In iDRAC, you must have Server Control privilege to configure the USB management port. When a USB device is connected, the System Inventory page displays the USB device information under the Hardware Inventory section.

An event is logged in the Lifecycle Controller logs when:
  • The device is in Automatic or iDRAC mode, and USB device is inserted or removed.
  • USB Management Port Mode is modified.
  • Device is automatically switched from iDRAC to OS.
  • Device is ejected from iDRAC or OS
When a device exceeds its power requirements as allowed by USB specification, the device is detached and an over-current event is generated with the following properties:
  • Category : System Health
  • Type: USB device
  • Severity: Warning
  • Allowed notifications: Email, SNMP trap, remote syslog, and WS-Eventing
  • Actions: None
An error message is displayed and logged to Lifecycle Controller log when:
  • You try to configure the USB management port without the Server Control user privilege.
  • A USB device is in use by iDRAC, and you attempt to modify the USB Management Port Mode.
  • A USB device is in use by iDRAC, and you remove the device.

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